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Loading data from Raleigh Ap in Morrisville, NC (317069) |
Daily Maximum Temperature Consecutive Streak Thresholds For 317069 (Raleigh Ap) in Morrisville, NC ending Dec 2nd, 2024 11:59PM EST Rankings based on the 79 years of data at this station. Rankings are for the maximum streak in the chosen period, and dates shown are the last streak in that period. | ||||||||||
Season to Date | Past Month | Past Two Months | Water Year to Date | Past Three Months | Past Six Months | Year to Date | Past Year | |||
12/1/24 to 12/2/24 | 11/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 10/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 10/1/24 to 12/2/24 | 9/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 6/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 1/1/24 to 12/2/24 | 12/3/23 to 12/2/24 | |||
≥ -10F | 337 (+1.2) 1/1-12/2 | 366 (+2.3) 12/3-12/2 | ||||||||
T-1st | T-1st | |||||||||
≥ 0F | 337 (+1.2) 1/1-12/2 | 366 (+2.3) 12/3-12/2 | ||||||||
T-1st | T-1st | |||||||||
≥ 10F | 337 (+1.2) 1/1-12/2 | 366 (+2.3) 12/3-12/2 | ||||||||
T-1st | T-1st | |||||||||
≥ 20F | 337 (+4.0) 1/1-12/2 | 366 (+7.8) 12/3-12/2 | ||||||||
T-1st | T-1st | |||||||||
≥ 30F | 337 (+15.2) 1/1-12/2 | 366 (+32.6) 12/3-12/2 | ||||||||
T-1st | T-1st | |||||||||
> 32F | 30 (±0) 11/3-12/2 | 61 (±0) 10/3-12/2 | 63 (±0) 10/1-12/2 | 91 (±0) 9/3-12/2 | 183 (±0) 6/3-12/2 | 337 (+24.2) 1/1-12/2 | 366 (+47.3) 12/3-12/2 | |||
T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | ||||
≤ 32F | 0 (±0) | 0 (±0) | 0 (±0) | 0 (±0) | 0 (±0) | 0 (-1.3) | 0 (-1.5) | |||
T-2nd | T-2nd | T-2nd | T-2nd | T-2nd | T-59th | T-67th | ||||
≥ 40F | 30 (+1.2) 11/3-12/2 | 61 (+1.7) 10/3-12/2 | 63 (+1.7) 10/1-12/2 | 91 (+1.7) 9/3-12/2 | 183 (+1.7) 6/3-12/2 | 317 (+32.1) 1/21-12/2 | 317 (+31.8) 1/21-12/2 | |||
T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | T-1st | 7th | 7th | ||||
≥ 50F | 1 (-0.6) 12/1-12/1 | 27 (+8.6) 11/3-11/29 | 58 (+13.0) 10/3-11/29 | 60 (+13.1) 10/1-11/29 | 88 (+13.3) 9/3-11/29 | 180 (+13.3) 6/3-11/29 | 285 (+49.1) 2/19-11/29 | 285 (+49.1) 2/19-11/29 | ||
T-55th | T-12th | T-10th | T-10th | T-10th | T-10th | 1st | 1st | |||
≥ 60F | 0 (-0.8) | 11 (+2.4) 11/3-11/13 | 42 (+18.4) 10/3-11/13 | 44 (+18.9) 10/1-11/13 | 72 (+23.4) 9/3-11/13 | 164 (+24.8) 6/3-11/13 | 230 (+54.4) 3/29-11/13 | 230 (+54.4) 3/29-11/13 | ||
T-47th | T-17th | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st | |||
≥ 70F | 0 (-0.2) | 6 (+2.3) 11/3-11/8 | 12 (+2.4) 10/28-11/8 | 14 (+3.9) 10/1-10/14 | 42 (+17.2) 9/3-10/14 | 134 (+28.7) 6/3-10/14 | 153 (+35.3) 5/15-10/14 | 153 (+35.3) 5/15-10/14 | ||
T-14th | T-11th | T-18th | T-13th | 4th | 4th | 4th | 4th | |||
≥ 80F | 4 (+3.5) 11/5-11/8 | 5 (+1.6) 10/3-10/7 | 6 (+2.2) 10/2-10/7 | 9 (-1.2) 9/4-9/12 | 52 (+8.3) 6/3-7/24 | 54 (+9.8) 6/1-7/24 | 54 (+9.8) 6/1-7/24 | |||
1st | T-12th | T-9th | T-38th | T-22nd | T-18th | T-18th | ||||
≥ 85F | 0 (±0) | 1 (-0.2) 10/7-10/7 | 1 (-0.4) 10/7-10/7 | 3 (-2.3) 9/27-9/29 | 30 (+7.1) 6/12-7/11 | 30 (+6.9) 6/12-7/11 | 30 (+6.9) 6/12-7/11 | |||
T-3rd | T-27th | T-30th | T-57th | T-15th | T-15th | T-15th | ||||
≥ 90F | 0 (-0.3) | 0 (-0.3) | 0 (-2.2) | 14 (+4.1) 6/13-6/26 | 14 (+4.1) 6/13-6/26 | 14 (+4.1) 6/13-6/26 | ||||
T-10th | T-10th | T-61st | T-11th | T-11th | T-11th | |||||
≥ 95F | 0 (-0.1) | 0 (-0.1) | 0 (-0.5) | 6 (+2.3) 6/21-6/26 | 6 (+2.3) 6/21-6/26 | 6 (+2.3) 6/21-6/26 | ||||
T-4th | T-4th | T-19th | T-14th | T-14th | T-14th | |||||
≥ 100F | 0 (±0) | 0 (±0) | 0 (-0.1) | 3 (+2.2) 7/4-7/6 | 3 (+2.2) 7/4-7/6 | 3 (+2.2) 7/4-7/6 | ||||
T-2nd | T-2nd | T-5th | T-5th | T-5th | T-5th | |||||
Season to Date | Past Month | Past Two Months | Water Year to Date | Past Three Months | Past Six Months | Year to Date | Past Year | |||
12/1/24 to 12/2/24 | 11/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 10/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 10/1/24 to 12/2/24 | 9/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 6/3/24 to 12/2/24 | 1/1/24 to 12/2/24 | 12/3/23 to 12/2/24 |